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The Axis of Madness

The Axis of Madness could be the strangest thing that's ever been written. It's divided into four parts. The first three parts describe the creation of a new species by genetic technologists in societies with no concept of God, ruled by deceived people who believe that power gives them the right to decide life's purpose and take over human evolution, a theme that many conspiracy theorists believe is happening but with a twist. It places the blame on leaders of the church propagating Satan's lie that infected Adam and Eve in the Garden, not billionaire cults or power seeking globalists.

The last part describes the war between the remaining humans and the Hive species the Elite made. The Hive is not a society of individuals who have free will. Its creatures are made from human and animal DNA and networked by a neural interface to their sexual nerves that turns them into neurons for Beelzebub's mind.

Satan's servant Beelzebub exists in the network and can take over anybody at will. If the body of someone who serves it is killed their mind can be transferred to another, if they're needed. Its soldiers are bred to crave killing and have no fear of death. Hive creatures are grown in artificial wombs and are unable to reproduce. Sex is for recreation and assimilating individuals into the Hive, not for making babies.

Conjugal love is the foundation of reproduction in Erotica and artificial methods are considered evil and not allowed. Erotica's founders knew they had to go underground; that the Hive would consider them a threat and try to exterminate them. Fortunately, they invented a way to rapidly cut rock. Fusion powered laser boring machines that could go a hundred times faster than conventional ones. Most of their population was underground when the Hive attacked and thought to be safe. Then the Hive released viruses that sterilized most of them.

The book implies that modern culture is on a similar path and attempts to document it with a series of loosely coupled stories showing how the Left and Right have been unconsciously working together to bring it about. The central premise is that Adam and Eve were infected by a mental virus that was passed from generation to generation up until now; and that the virus causes shame of sex, which is God's greatest gift. Further it implies the shameful engram causes the Right to repress sex which leads to perversion by the Left, and that the political cycles between Right and Left are the flapping of Beelzebub's wings.

The story is about a District Attorney who's aggressively prosecuting sex criminals. It starts with an intern at NSA browsing through porn he found on a Perp's drive discovering an email account. If he lets them know what he found they'll know he's been violating policy, so he doesn't tell them. After an incident with a young girl on a train and discovering the author was killed by inmates he decides to leave NSA. Why they were forbidden to look at what was on the drives becomes clear. He can't keep from thinking about the pictures and accessed the email account to see if any are there and is disappointed to find nothing but the Perp's manuscript.

After looking through the manuscript, he began to suspect the whole thing was a prank by his friend at NSA; that he wrote it, not the perp, and set up the email account. The work was a disjointed mess and sounded like one of the conspiracy stories he told on the way to work. Ever since learning the perp was killed he'd been feeling guilty about not telling them about the email account, thinking proof he was writing a book might have gotten him off. But no one was exempt from the laws that made it a crime to seek or possess information about child sex, except agents of government.

The realization he'd been pranked, spawned the idea of turning the tables on his friend. He had access to the neural network writing program at the university he was attending and used it to add events that happened after the supposed author died. Then he got a friend at NSA to copy the revised work onto his friends computer. An error in the cloud server caused it to overwrite all the originals without backing them up.

After learning his friend was killed in a car crash he realized he made a big mistake, wiped his computer and mailed a thumb drive with the book to Thomas Warden, the attorney Part two is about.

The remainder of Part one is a mix of Thomas's activities and him reading the manuscript, drawn in by its reference to him and stories about people he sent to prison. Events are described in horrific detail and there's no limit to what's discussed, which upsets him greatly.

He gets even more disturbed when her reads of a plot to get even with him by an abortionist he sent to prison for molesting patents, and contacts a friend at NSA to find out if the manuscript is authentic. He's being sued by the author's heirs and didn't report receiving the manuscript. If they knew it existed it could be damaging so he can't use official channels to investigate the threat after he learns NSA has the identical document.

Part 2 begins in earnest when he realizes that the threat is real moments before it happens and everyone he cares about is killed. From then on his whole focus is on punishing perverts he holds responsible for killing his wife and friends. He goes around the country lobbying for sex crime to be considered a disease caused by hormone imbalance and advocating Reduction as the cure. Despite the medical mumbo jumbo it's really a torturous form of castration, re-branded to overcome people's reluctance to accept it.

The reality of the cure is revealed in a short story that follows about a fool who misreads signals from a girl at a bar and is accused of rape. He botches his defense and to avoid life in prison he chooses the cure. Then his ordeal is explained in sadistic detail.

Thomas didn't know he was being used. That the attack was done to get the law passed and was the final step in Satan's plan to get control of human reproduction so it could become incarnate in the world. Or that he'd been chosen to lead it.

He goes on vacation after the law is passed. As the plane takes off, he's still thinking about a nightmarish dream he had about raping a girl. It's from looking at pictures on perverts drives, he assures himself then puts it out of his mind but his encounter with a young girl at the resort he's diverted to brings it back with vengeance. Its all down hill from then as the sinister force he set in motion, puts its hooks in him.

The remaining chapters tell the story of his demise and two others caught in the web he vengefully wove. One, a boy who failed to resist temptation, the other a victim of circumstance, sucked into the dystopian world Satan was making. The details aren't important. The purpose was to form a group to experience preparation and what the procedure evolved into.

The first chapter of Part 3, Preparation Hell, describes reality somewhat like The Devil in Miss Jones from a sadistic gay bondage perspective. And the following chapter, a transsexuals pipe dream, documents every cut and suture. The law he got passed was enabling legislation and PED morphed it into what Satan intended. They're subject to 120 days of around the clock sexual degradation and stimulation, then their sex organs are removed and the nerves connected to an interface to Sexnet by a surgical robot.

After the procedure, despite his intention to expose the evil place, he's assimilated into the Borg like Hive and becomes its leader. The following chapters describe the birth of the opposition and the degenerate slide of culture. The last chapter in Part three is about boys of the Hive getting ready to make the transition to adulthood, which means being neutered and choosing the sex they're going to pretend to be.

PED stands for Planned Eugenics Department and is the Hive's reproductive center. On trips to PED, aspects of the center are explained to them, and most are excitedly awaiting surgery to transform them into adults but one isn't. His name is Nyden and he's a transition character into Part 4, The Species War. Eroticans are living underground but most are victims of the Hive's sterility viruses. To survive they've been kidnapping fertile boys from the Hive. On his way to PED for transitioning surgery, Nyden's train is stopped by an explosion and a rebel explains their situation; he joins them without hesitation. From this point on the book is more of a science fiction story than a non fiction description of the road to Hell.

In minutes Nyden and those who came with him are flying across the desert in spider like crafts. After they reach the mountains they go underground and take a car to an auditorium where their new lives are explained. Then they are taken to where they're going to live. He goes to sleep exhausted and wakes fully rested hours later. Hearing sounds he goes to investigate and finds a girl his age making breakfast. A real girl, not anything like feminized boys at the dorm where he lived; the most beautiful creature he ever encountered; and he's overwhelmed with feelings he never felt before.

Their union is an example of what becoming one flesh means. Helping teens find compatible mates had high priority in Erotica. And for boys from the Hive, who were joining a society based on conjugal love, it was even more important. This theme repeats in the chapters that follow.

The Shaman is introduced in chapter 4.2. Besides boys from hive they have been recruiting from native populations in the Arctic. On the latest trip they encountered a Shaman with a vision about how to destroy the Hive. He saw a massive asteroid passing close to Earth. By deceiving the Hive into thinking it will hit, they can get it to deflect it into the Earth's path.

Meanwhile, the Hive has been breeding an army of human animal hybrids far bigger than the entire population of Erotica and constantly searching for ways to get in so it can wipe them out. After the Hive blasts a hole into the base guarding a farming village, disaster is narrowly averted by Jack Demsey, the person in charge of the base, racing overland with a tactical nuke and attaching it to a truck going into the compound above the breach.

After destroying the compound, he tries to get back via a service conduit and encounter Hive creatures breaking in. After killing them and blocking the conduit he has to go overland and is pursued by Hive monsters that he manages to kill. After he gets back, he goes to his lovers home and falls asleep in her arms. He's wakened by the sound of an explosion a few hours later, recognizes the smell of Hive creatures, and immediately knows they are in a fight for their lives. As the battle develops it is obvious they are going to loose.

The city is linked by a large tunnel to an underwater submarine base used for fishing and the disposal of tailings. Anticipating danger, explosives have been placed on the glass dome over an amusement park by the base. If they can't drive them out they'll have to flood the city. Soon it becomes obvious it's impossible. They don't even have enough time to evacuate the people by car so all able bodied people are sent to the surface.

While the preceding events took place, scientists designed, assembled and launched a flying saucer to take a team to the moon. After boring a small hole down to a conduit in the Moon Base, they use insect sized avatars to break into the computer combining sensor data from the array into a super high resolution image. They update the firmware to give themselves a back door, install a Trojan to monitor the system, and virus code to shift the image of the asteroid so it looks like its going to hit Earth. Their plan works, The Hive blasts it with all of its nukes. Its broken into millions of pieces on a collision course with Earth.

After Beelzebub figured out it was deceived it launched an all out attack, knowing taking over an underground city was its only chance to survive on Earth. Flooding the city stopped it but it attacked again after survivors showed it where an entrance was. To stop it, they had to detonate another nuke. Jack took them to a glacier and carved ice caves in it, knowing the Hive would follow. When the Hive army arrived, he set off nukes placed in the canyon walls that cut it to ribbons, and buried it under thousands of tons of rock.

The next day the asteroid hit, causing earthquakes all over the world and unleashing hellacious storms that made it impossible to go anywhere. They were trapped in the ice caves and would run out of food and energy before they'd be able to go anywhere. Jack sent four of his best on a mission to seek help, doubting they would make it, or anything could be done to help them if they did. But in Erotica's free enterprise system, all technology was following Moore's Law, and a tunneling rescue was just the thing they needed to introduce new products. In nine days they drilled a thirty mile tunnel to the survivors.

Before impact, Thomas and the Hive mind had gone to the Moon and set up a reproduction center. Beelzebub's plan was to wait until Earth returned to normal. They couldn't survive another war in the future. Beelzebub had to be driven completely out of Reality. It lived in the network like viruses in society, constantly copying itself, so the infected nodes needed to be destroyed all at once. After an explosive avatar was on top of every node in the network that Beelzebub resided, they set them off and sent it back to the Hell it came from, freeing Thomas from the nightmare he was in.


The story was far from polished and the editing left a lot to be desired. It was obvious a lot of effort went into writing it; most of it is a word puzzle and different perspectives are combined in ways that tend to be confusing. Most characters in the first three parts are props, flat figures described by text that doesn't bring them to life. It made them hard to relate to and most were quickly forgotten.

Even in the last part character development was weak. The focus was on what they did, not their physical characteristics. The plot is event driven on a confined track, much like the rock world they live in thousands of feet underground. A few forested areas and small lakes are described with resident's dwellings in the rock walls around them. And cities linked by thousand mile long tunnels and high speed cars.

Descriptions of inventions are detailed and believable, and the idea of cell's quantum entanglement when they divide, cleverly bridges the gap between spiritualism and science. If Reality is an information process like the author implies, then it makes sense, but for those who believe in materialism, it won't.

According to the promo, the intent of the book is to warn people that what is fictionally described is actually happening in subtle ways. That Satan is real, smarter than us and manipulating people into doing its bidding. To sum it up: The failure to recognize one is deceived is dangerous and especially so when it involves leaders. And the root of evil in society is religion's repression of sex, which the author considers to be God's greatest Gift because it allows men and women to be co-creators with God.